Mental Health

Master jealousy with stoicism and cultivate healthy relationships

Jealousy is a complex and often uncontrollable emotion that intensely emerges in our lives and relationships. While it is a natural response to perceived threats to our connections with others, excessive jealousy can erode trust and create a breeding ground for insecurity and conflict. In romantic relationships, the presence of jealousy can lead to possessive …

Emotional Sobriety: Overcoming mental obstacles through stoic wisdom

In a world where emotional swings are often exacerbated by daily stress and future uncertainties, finding emotional balance becomes essential for mental health and well-being. This balance is often referred to as emotional sobriety, a state where a person can maintain calm and clarity, regardless of external turbulences. More than just avoiding emotional extremes, emotional …

Understand how stoicism can aid in trauma recovery

The journey of recovery after traumatic experiences is complex and multifaceted, involving a variety of psychological and therapeutic approaches. While some methods focus on behavioral therapies or medication, there is a growing appreciation for techniques that incorporate philosophical and introspective practices. Among these, Stoicism emerges as a powerful philosophy, capable of offering significant insights for …

Navigating Life’s Storms: Stoic Principles for Enhancing Mental Well-being

stoic wisdom mental health

Life is an unpredictable journey, filled with moments of joy, triumph, and success, but also with challenges, setbacks, and adversity. Just when we think we have everything under control, a storm emerges, shaking the very foundations of our existence. Whether it’s a personal crisis, a professional setback, or a global catastrophe, no one is immune …

Surviving Stress with Stoic Wisdom: A Guide to Mental Health

stoic wisdom

Welcome to our practical and reflective guide: **”Surviving Stress with Stoic Wisdom: A Guide to Mental Health”**. In this fast-paced and often unpredictable world, where stress has become a constant companion, it has never been more important to discuss and emphasize mental health. This article seeks to explore how Stoic practices and philosophies, a school …

Mental health through the Stoic Vision: Ancient strategies for moderns times

stoic stoicism stoic

Mental health is a crucial aspect of contemporary life, especially in an increasingly hectic and challenging world. Stress, anxiety, work pressure, and personal worries are just a few of the factors affecting people’s mental health today. As awareness of the importance of mental health grows, many are seeking ancient and proven approaches to cope with …

How to Transform Negative Thoughts into a Healthy Mind with Stoicism


The human mind is a fertile ground for an avalanche of thoughts. Among them, negative thoughts emerge like weeds, capable of disturbing emotional balance and mental health. These thoughts, often characterized by excessive worries, pessimism, or internal criticism, have the power to interfere with our perception of reality, leading to feelings of anxiety, depression, and …

Living with Purpose: Stoic Practices and Mental Health

purpose stoicism

In today’s fast-paced world, the ancient philosophy of Stoicism is experiencing a remarkable resurgence, appealing to those seeking solace and stability amidst the chaos of modern life. Originating in Greece and later popularized in Rome by philosophers such as Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus, Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means …