Reinaldo Duarte

I'm a seasoned writer specializing in Stoicism, with a background in Philosophy and History. My passion lies in exploring the timeless wisdom of Stoic philosophy and weaving its principles into captivating narratives. With a deep understanding of ancient philosophy and its historical context, I craft engaging content that resonates with modern readers seeking wisdom and insight.

The Stoic’s Guide to Overcoming Obstacles: Finding Opportunity in Difficulty


In a world where change is constant and challenges are inevitable, the ancient philosophy of Stoicism emerges as a beacon of practical wisdom. Originating in the bustling heart of ancient Greece and later flourishing in Rome, Stoicism is more than a philosophical doctrine; it’s a guide for living a fulfilled and resilient life. At its …

Mental health through the Stoic Vision: Ancient strategies for moderns times

stoic stoicism stoic

Mental health is a crucial aspect of contemporary life, especially in an increasingly hectic and challenging world. Stress, anxiety, work pressure, and personal worries are just a few of the factors affecting people’s mental health today. As awareness of the importance of mental health grows, many are seeking ancient and proven approaches to cope with …

How to Transform Negative Thoughts into a Healthy Mind with Stoicism


The human mind is a fertile ground for an avalanche of thoughts. Among them, negative thoughts emerge like weeds, capable of disturbing emotional balance and mental health. These thoughts, often characterized by excessive worries, pessimism, or internal criticism, have the power to interfere with our perception of reality, leading to feelings of anxiety, depression, and …

Living with Purpose: Stoic Practices and Mental Health

purpose stoicism

In today’s fast-paced world, the ancient philosophy of Stoicism is experiencing a remarkable resurgence, appealing to those seeking solace and stability amidst the chaos of modern life. Originating in Greece and later popularized in Rome by philosophers such as Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus, Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means …